【药品名称】 甘露聚糖肽口服溶液(Mannatide Oral Solution)
【成 份】 甘露聚糖肽。辅料为:无
【性 状】 本品为几乎无色或微黄色澄明或轻微混浊的液体。
【适 应 症】 用于免疫功能低下、反复呼吸道感染、白细胞减少症和再生障碍性贫血及肿瘤的辅助治疗,减轻放、化疗对造血系统的不良反应和胃肠道反应。
【规 格】 10ml:10mg ×6支/盒
【用法用量】 口服。成人一日3次,一次10毫升(1支)。4~6周为一疗程。
【贮 藏】 密封,置阴凉干燥处。
【有 效 期】 24个月
【批准文号】 国药准字H20046445
1、提高机体免疫功能 本品能激活吞噬细胞活性、升高外周白细胞、提高骨髓造血机能和机体应激能力、诱生干扰素和白介素等,从而全面有效的增强机体免疫功能。
2、诱导肿瘤细胞凋亡 可使肿瘤细胞、病毒等DNA断裂,使之凋亡。
3、药性平和 可有效解决中药营养药品容易上火的缺点。
Mannatide Oral Solution
Drug Classification: the product is non-prescription adjuvant drug.
【Name of Drug】 Mannatide Oral Solution
【Ingredients】 Manatide. Excipients: none
【Characteristics】 This product is almost colorless or slightly yellow clear or mild turbid liquid.
【Function and Indication】 It is applied to the treatment of immune hypofunction, repeated respiratory infection, leucopenia and aplastic anemia as well as adjuvant therapy for tumor. It can alleviate adverse reaction of hematopoitic function and gastrointestinal reaction induced by radiochemotherapy.
【Specification】 10ml: 10mg ×6pcs/box
【Usage and Dosage】 Oral application. For adult, three times a day, 10ml (1 piece) each time; 4 to 6 weeks make one session of treatment.
1. The product is applied to adjuvant therapy for repeated respiratory infection, tumor, leucopenia, etc. It is required to consult doctor before the first use of the product.
2. It is required to receive regular examination in hospital during treatment.
3. The product is used cautiously for women in pregnancy and lactation.
4. The product is prohibited for allergic case and is used cautiously for the one of allergic constitution.
5. The product is prohibited to be used when the characteristics of it change.
6. Please place the product far from children.
7. It is required to use the product with the supervision of adult for children.
8. Please consult doctor or pharmacist before use of the product if other drug is applied at same time.
【Storage】 Sealing in cool and dry place
【Validity】 24 months
【Approval Number】 National Pharmaceutical Approval Number H20046445
【Manufacturing Enterprise】 Jilin Tonghua Zhenguo Pharmaceutical Limited Company
【Address】 Botanic Garden, Wanwanchuan, Tonghua County, Jilin Province
Zip code:134100 Tel:0435-5337668 Fax:0435-5337669
Website:http://www.wzg.cn E-mail:th@wzg.cn
Efficacy and Characteristics:
Mannatide Oral Solution is immune tonics of new generation. It can improve immunity of body promptly. It is characterized as:
1. Improve body immunity. The product can activate the activity of phagocytes, increase peripheral leukocytes, improve hematopoitic function of bone marrow and stress ability of body, induce generation of interferon and interleukin so as to enhance overall body immunity.
2. Induce apoptosis of tumor cell. It may induce DNA breaks of tumor cell and virus and lead to apoptosis.
3. Neutral property of drug. It may deal with effectively the shortcoming that fire is apt to be aroused by nutrient drug of Chinese medicine.