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2013/7/5 16:30:57 浏览次数:1999


【药品名称】 复方天仙胶囊
【成 份】 天花粉、威灵仙、白花蛇舌草、人工牛黄、龙葵、胆南星、乳香(制)、没药、人参、黄芪、珍珠(制)、猪苓、冰片等。
【性 状】 本品为胶囊剂,内容物为棕褐色的粉末;味苦、涩。
【功能主治】 清热解毒,活血化瘀,散结止痛。对食管癌、胃癌有一定抑制作用;配合化疗、放疗可提高其疗效。
【规 格】 0.25g×60粒/盒
【用法用量】 口服,一次2~3粒,一日3次。饭后半小时用蜂蜜水或温水送下(吞咽困难可将药粉倒出服用)每一月为一疗程,停药3~7天再继续服用。
【注意事项】 不宜与洋地黄类药物同用。
[贮 藏] 密封
[有 效 期] 24个月
【批准文号】 国药准字Z10880008
[生产企业] 通化白山药业股份有限公司
[地 址] 吉林省通化湾湾川开发区
邮政编码:134100 电话号码:0435-5331502 传真号码:0435-5331578


Fufang Tianxian Jiaonang

Drug Classification: Chinese herbal medicine for antitumor
【Name of Drug】 Fufang Tianxian Jiaonang
【Ingredients】 Tianhuafen (Radix Trichosanthis), Weilingxian (Radix Clematidis Hexapetalae), Baihuasheshecao (Herba hedyotis Diffusae), Rengongniuhuang (Artificial Calculus Bovis), Longkui (Herba Solai Nigri), Dannanxing (Arisaematis Rhizomacum Felle Bovis), Ruxiang(Prepared Gummi Olibanum), Moyao (Myrrha), Renshen (Panax Ginseng), Huangqi (Radix Astragali), Zhenzhu (Prepared Pearl), Zhuling (Polypori Umbellati), Shetui (Periostracum Serpentis), Bingpian (Borneolum Syntheticum), etc.
【Characteristics】 This product is capsule preparation and the filler is brown powder, bitter and astringent in flavor.
【Function and Indication】 Clear away heat, eliminate toxin, activate blood circulation, remove stasis and masses and stop pain. It has certain suppression on carcinoma of esophagus and stomach and the efficacy is much improved if combined with chemoradiotherapy.
【Specification】 0.25g×60capules/box
【Usage and Dosage】 Oral application,2-3capsules each time, 3 times a day; take it with honey water or warm water half a hour before meal (take the powder directly if patient has dysphagia). One month treatment makes a session. There are 3 to 7 days of intervals between the sessions.
【Precautions】 The drug is not suitable to be taken together with digitalis.
【Storage】 Sealing
【Validity】 24 months
【Approval Number】 National Pharmaceutical Approval Number Z10880008
【Manufacturing Enterprise】 Tonghua Baishan Pharmaceutical Limited Company
【Address】 Development Zone, Wanwanchuan, Tonghua, Jilin Province
Zip code:134100 Tel:0435-5331502 Fax:0435-5331578

Efficacy and Characteristics:
Fufang Tianxian Jiaonang is the first product invented by Professor Wang Zhenguo. It has won “Top Individual Study Prize of World Invention” in the 38th EUREKA World Invention Fairs and Exhibitions. The drug acts on clearing away heat, detoxification, activating blood circulation, removing stasis and masses and stopping pain. It is characterized as:
1. Apparent action on anti-solid tumor and especially efficacy on carcinoma of digestive tract.
2. Prevent from occurrence and metastasis of carcinoma
3. Sensibilization and efficacy on radiochemotherapy
4. Improve immunity
5. Anti-bacteria, anti-virus
6. Treat chronic gastritis and promote healing of gastric ulceration in clinic
7. Significant efficacy on iridocyclitis in clinical treatment

· 抗癌良药

  安徽水泥涵管    合肥水泥涵管
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