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2013/7/5 16:55:15 浏览次数:2143


【药品名称】 活力源口服液
【成 份】 人参茎叶总皂甙、黄芪、五味子、麦冬、附片。
【性 状】 本品为淡黄色或浅棕色的液体,味甘,微苦。
【功能主治】 益气养阴,强心益肾。适用于气阴两虚,心肾两亏的健忘失眠,记忆力减退,冠心病,慢性肝炎,糖尿病及更年期综合症而见上述证候者。
【规 格】 10ml×6支/盒
【用法用量】 口服,一次20ml,一日2~3次。
【注意事项】 尚不明确。
[贮 藏] 密封,置阴凉处
[有 效 期] 24个月
【批准文号】 国药准字Z22022107
[生产企业] 吉林省通化振国药业有限公司
[地 址] 吉林省通化县湾湾川植物园

1、抗肿瘤作用 本品所含人参茎叶总皂甙、黄芪、五味子、附子等成分具有抗肿瘤的作用。
2、升高白细胞作用 本品所含人参茎叶总皂甙、麦冬具有促进白细胞生长,防治因放化疗引起的白细胞减少。
3、提高机体免疫功能,减轻毒副作用 临床试验证明,活力源口服液可提高机体免疫力、减轻和有助于恢复癌症患者放化疗后所造成的心、肝、肾、胰等脏器的损伤。
Huoliyuan Koufuye
【Name of Drug】 Huoliyuan Koufuye
【Ingredients】 Ginsenosides, Huangqi (Radix Astragali), Wuweizi (Schizandrae Chinensis), Maidong (Radix Liriopis Platyphyllae), Fupian (Radix Aconiti Carmichaeli Praeparata)
【Characteristics】 This product is light yellow or light brown liquid, sweet and slightly bitter is flavor.
【Function and Indication】 Benefit qi, nourish yin, and strengthen the heart and kidney. It is applied to the treatment of deficiency of qi and yin, poor memory and insomnia due to deficiency of the heart and kidney, coronary heart disease, chronic hepatitis, diabetes and menopause syndromes.
【Specification】 10ml×6pcs/box
【Usage and Dosage】 Oral application, 20ml each time, 2~3 times a day
【Storage】 Sealing in cool place
【Validity】 24 months
【Approval Number】 National Pharmaceutical Approval Number Z22022107
【Manufacturing Enterprise】 Jilin Tonghua Zhenguo Pharmaceutical Limited Company
【Address】 Botanic Garden, Wanwanchuan, Tonghua County, Jilin Province

Efficacy and Characteristics:
Huoliyuan Koufuye is the drug for coronary heart disease, chronic hepatitis and diabetes. Recent clinical practice discovers that the drug has good effect on various malignant tumors. It is characterized as:
1. Antitumor. The components of the drug, such as Ginsenosides, Huangqi (Radix Astragali), Wuweizi (Schizandrae Chinensis), Fuzi (Radix Aconit Praeparata), act on antitumor.
2. Enhance the function of leukocytes. Ginsenosides and Maidong (Radix Liriopis Platyphyllae) in the drug promote the growth of leukocyte and prevent from leucocytopenia induced by radiochemotherapy.
3. Improve immunity and reduce toxic side effect. Clinical trial proves that Huoliyuan Koufuye can improve immunity, reduce toxic side effect. Clinical trial proves that Huoliyuan Koufuye improves immunity and reduces the organs damages and promotes the recovery in radiochemotherapy.




· 抗癌良药

  安徽水泥涵管    合肥水泥涵管
版权所有:肿瘤防治网 (安徽中医药大学国医堂肿瘤科) 咨询热线:0551-65587240 62836848

地址: 安徽省合肥市安庆路安徽中医药大学门诊部国医堂2楼肿瘤科   技术支持:新干线网络