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2013/7/6 15:03:57 浏览次数:2246


【药品名称】 宫颈癌栓
【成 份】 掌叶半夏
【性 状】 本品为棕黄色鱼雷形的栓剂;略腥臭。
【功能主治】 消肿散结。用于子宫颈癌及子宫颈癌前期病变。
【规 格】 2.5g×12枚/盒
【用法用量】 外用,使用时需口服宫颈癌片。鱼雷形栓:阴道用,一次2枚,一日1~2次。
[不良反应] 尚不明确
[禁 忌] 尚不明确
【注意事项】 请注意掌握使用剂量,避免超剂量使用。
[贮 藏] 密封,置阴冷干燥处(不超过200C)。
[有 效 期] 24个月
【批准文号】 国药准字Z20053696
[生产企业] 吉林省通化振国药业有限公司
[地 址] 吉林省通化县湾湾川植物园


Gong Jiang Ai Shuan
Drug Classification: Chinese herbal medicine for antitumor

【Name of Drug】 Gong Jiang Ai Shuan
【Ingredients】 Zhangyebanxia (Pinellia Pedatisecta)
【Characteristics】 This product is suppository, brown yellow in color and torpedo like in shape, slightly fishy in smell.
【Function and Indication】 Remove swelling and masses. It is applied to the treatment of cervical carcinoma and disorder of the early stage of cervical carcinoma.
【Specification】 2.5g×12pcs/box
【Usage and Dosage】 Topical, it needs to be used together with oral application of Gong Jing Ai Pian. Torpedo like suppository: vaginal use, 2 pcs each time.
【Precautions】 Please notice the dosage, avoid overdose application.
【Storage】 Sealing in cool and dry place (≤20ºC)
【Validity】 24 months
【Approval Number】 National Pharmaceutical Approval Number Z20053696
【Manufacturing Enterprise】 Jilin Tonghua Zhenguo Pharmaceutical Limited Company
【Address】 Botanic Garden, Wanwanchuan, Tonghua County, Jilin Province
Zip code:134100 Tel:0435-5337668 Fax:0435-5337669
Website:http://www.wzg.cn E-mail:th@wzg.cn

Efficacy and Characteristics:
Gong Jiang Ai Suan acts on removing swelling and masses and it is antitumor drug of wide spectrum. It is characterized as,
1. Easy absorption, less loss of effective components of the product, quick efficacy, apparent action of antitumor. 70% of effective component of the product is absorbed directly by rectal mucus. Because the absorption is not from digestive tract, the loss of effective components that is induced by drug metabolism is decreased. Generally, in about 30min after usage, the effective components of drug is dissolved in blood circulation, especially in the treatment of carcinoma of intestine, vulvae, cervix, ovary, liver, etc. Since the components of drug are directly absorbed by patient, quite good efficacy is obtained.
2. Special access of application from rectum and vulvae. It solves the problem that a part of patients is not suitable or dislikes to take drugs orally. This drug becomes new antitumor of wide spectrum after oral medication.




· 抗癌良药

  安徽水泥涵管    合肥水泥涵管
版权所有:肿瘤防治网 (安徽中医药大学国医堂肿瘤科) 咨询热线:0551-65587240 62836848

地址: 安徽省合肥市安庆路安徽中医药大学门诊部国医堂2楼肿瘤科   技术支持:新干线网络