【产品名称】 王振国牌天仙软膏
【成 份】 威灵仙、乳香、没药、冰片、南星、雄黄、天花粉、黄芪、莪术、当归、甘草
【保健功效】 改善微循环、缓解疼痛
【适宜人群】 因微循环障碍引起的皮炎、湿疹、白癜风、痤疮、腋臭及疼痛的人群。
【不适宜人群】 孕妇、哺乳期妇女及皮肤破损者。
【规 格】 100g/支
【使用方法】 每日1-2次,每次取3-5g软膏均匀地涂抹在皮肤上,1小时左右成膜后,剥离或水洗即可。
【贮 藏】 避光、密闭、置阴凉干燥处
【有 效 期】24个月
【卫生许可证号】 吉通卫健证字2005第0006号
Tianxian Ruangao
【Product Name】 Tianxian Ruangao
【Ingredients】 Weilingxian (Radix Clematids), Ruxiang (Gummi Olibanum), Moyao (Myrrha), Bingpian (Borneolum Syntheticum), Nanxing (Rhizoma Arisaematis), Xionghuang (Reaglar), Tianhuafen (Radix Trichosanthis), Huangqi (Radix Astragali), Ezhu(Rhioxma Curcumae Aeruginosae), Danggui (Radix Angelicae Sinensis), Gancao (Glycyrrhizae uralensis)
【 Function of Healthcare】Improve microcirculation, release pain
【Suitable Group】Groups with dermatitis, eczema, vitiligo, acne, axillary osmidrosis and pain induced by microcirculatory disturbance
【Unsuitable Group】Women in pregnancy and lactation and those of skin lesions
【Specification】 100g/
【Usage and Dosage】 1-2 times a day, 3-5g of the product each time evenly applied to skin; membrane is formed in about 1hr and it is peeled off or cleansed with water.
【Storage】Sealing, storing in cool and dry place
1. The product is not suitable for those allergic to it or of external hemorrhage and purulence.
2. Avoid eyes.
3. The product is used under adult supervision for children.
4. Please place the product far from children.
【Validity】 24 months
【Approval Number】Ji Wei Jian [2005]034
【Sanitary License Number】 Ji Tong Wei Jian 2005No. 0006
【Manufacturing Enterprise】 Jilin Tonghua Zhenguo Pharmaceutical Limited Company
【Address】 Botanic Garden, Wanwanchuan, Tonghua County, Jilin Province