【药品名称】 蟾酥镇痛膏
【成 份】 蟾酥、生马钱子、生天南星、生川乌、雄黄、白芷、姜黄、半边莲、樟脑、冰片、薄荷脑、二甲苯麝香、盐酸苯海拉明、二甲基亚砜。
【性 状】 本品为浅黄棕色的片状橡胶膏;气芳香。
【功能主治】 消肿散结,消肿止痛。适用于各种肿块的止痛消散,也用于肌肉劳损、骨刺、关节炎等引起的疼痛。
【规 格】 7cm×10cm×2贴/袋
【用法用量】 贴患处。贴敷12小时后揭去,间隔12小时后重复使用;或遵医嘱。
【不良反应】 尚不明确
【禁 忌】 孕妇及患处溃疡忌用
【注意事项】 1、使用本品后,局部可能有痛痒或灼热感,皮肤潮红,可继续使用,少数病人可能出现皮疹或疱疹等过敏反应,则暂停使用,以1%龙胆紫涂患处,数日可愈,愈后酌情使用。2、运动员慎用。
【贮 藏】密封,置阴凉处(不超过20℃)。
【有 效 期】24个月
【批准文号】 国药准字Z22022113
Chansu Zhentong Gao
【Name of Drug】 Chansu Zhentong Gao
【Ingredients】 Chansu (Venenum Bufonis), Sheng Maqianzi (Unprocessed Semen Strychni), Sheng Tiannanxing (Unprocessed Rhizoma Arisaematis), Sheng Chuanwu (Unprocessed Radix Aconiti), Xionghuang (Realgar), Baizhi (Radix Angelicae Dahuricae), Jianghuang (Rhizoma Curcumae longae), Banbianlian (Herba Lobellae Chinensis), Zhangnao (Camphor), Bingpian (Borneolum Syntheticum), Perppermint Camphor, musk xylene, diphenhydramine hydrochloride, musk, dimethl sulfoxide
【Characteristics】 This product is light yellow-brown patchy plaster, fragrant in smell.
【Function and Indication】 Remove swelling and mass and stop pain. It is applied to the treatment of pain in various masses, and pain induced by muscle strain, spurs, arthritis, etc.
【Specification】 7cm×10cm×2plasters/bag
【Usage and Dosage】 Attach to the affected area, remove it 12hr later and repeat it once ever 12hr, or apply it according to medical advice.
【Contraindication】 Prohibit for pregnant women and ulceration area.
1. After use, pain, itching or burning feeling, skin red may appear locally, but the product can be applied continuously. Few patients have probably allergic reactions, such as skin rashes or herpes, thus, the product should stop using temporarily and 1% gentian violet is used in affected area. The lesion may be cured in several days and the product should be used accordingly.
2. The product is used cautiously for athletes.
【Storage】 Sealing in cool place (≤20℃)
【Validity】 24 months
【Approval Number】 National Pharmaceutical Approval Number Z22022113
【Manufacturing Enterprise】 Jilin Tonghua Zhenguo Pharmaceutical Limited Company
【Address】 Botanic Garden, Wanwanchuan, Tonghua County, Jilin Province
Zip code:134100 Tel:0435-5337668 Fax:0435-5337669
Website:http://www.wzg.cn E-mail:th@wzg.cn
Efficacy and Characteristics:
Chanshu Zhentong Gao acts on removing swelling and mass and stopping pain.
1. Local treatment of tumor. Chansu (Venenum Bufonis), Sheng Maqianzi (Unprocessed Semen Strychni), Sheng Tiannanxing (Unprocessed Rhizoma Arisaematis), Sheng Chuanwu (Unprocessed Radix Aconiti), Xionghuang (Realgar), Baizhi (Radix Angelicae Dahuricae) and Jianghuang (Rhizoma Curcumae longae) of the product have strong action on antitumor, which is absorbed by external application through skin so as to treat tumor. Chansu Zhentong Gao is applied to the skin surface that is the most near to tumor focus. The components of drug are absorbed through skin and act on cancer cell directly for local treatment.
2. Strong action on stopping pain. Sheng Tiannanxing (Unprocessed Rhizoma Arisaematis), Sheng Chuanwu (Unprocessed Radix Aconiti), Baizhi (Radix Angelicae Dahuricae) and diphenhydramine hydrochloride can apparently stop pain. Hence, the drug can relieve cancer pain effectively.